A Dictionary of Real Numbers

昨日国会図書館に行く機会があったので、「A Dictionary of Real Numbers」をちょっぴりコピーしてもらった。数字オタ(誰のことだ…)への誕生日プレゼントにぴったりな本だ!


 How do we recognize that the number .93371663... is actually 2log10(e+π)/2? Gauss observed that
 This book is structured like a reverse telephone book, or more accurately, like a reverse handbook of
special function values. It is a list of just over 100,000 eight-digit real numbers in the interval [0,1) that
arise as the first eight digits of special values of familiar functions. 
0000 0000 id 0
0000 0001 10^x 3-4e
0000 0002 10^x 1/2-3e
0000 0003 10^x 2-3\pi
9999 9999 J_0 \exp(-3\pi)


A Dictionary Of Real Numbers

A Dictionary Of Real Numbers